Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Words You Speak

If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.     James 1:26

I am changing it up a little with this post. Every night Malorie and I read her Veggie Tale Devotionals for Girls together. The other night I really couldn't believe how true the message was for me. So I have to share it with you. This especially hit home for me because my love language is words of affirmation, which means I tend to judge how loved I am by the words people speak to me and I show love by the words I speak to others. So when an unkind word is said to me I tend to take it really hard.  This is especially hard in the workplace when I don't hear words of affirmation all that much... Yet I am just as guilty as not saying them there!

Here is the devotional:

The words you speak are important. If you speak kind words, you make other people feel better. And that's exactly what you should do!
How hard is it to say a kind word? Not very! Yet sometimes we're so busy that we forget to say the very things that might make other people feel better.
Kind words help; cruel words hurt. It's as simple as that. And, when we say the right thing at the right time, we give a gift that can change somebody's day or somebody's life.

The Prayer:
Dear Lord, when I'm about to say something, help me think about my words before I say them, not after. Amen.

Wow, and this message is for a little kid. I think this message is something everyone can learn from.
Thanks for listening and believe me... I will be reciting this prayer every day for a while!

1 comment:

  1. So ironic u brought up The Five Love Languages.... i just figured out my is quality time n physical touch.
    Julie, u are AMAZING and u do wonderful things each day at work. You DO make a difference! The patients love ur smile and so do I. Keep positive. U are beautiful inside and out.
