Sunday, March 20, 2011

It was just another full moon to me

So Saturday was a fun day! It started out with a little cleaning (as many of you know this is NOT my thing). But it felt nice to get the kitchen picked up and Malorie finished cleaning her room (alleluia)!! After that was done Malorie and I headed over to my mom's where we met her and Tanya and went on a little road trip to Mosinee. Our cousins Kaley and Kelsey were ice skating in the Mosinee Silver Blades Ice Show. We are so proud of those two girls! They are so good. Did I mention they always medal in the Badger Games and go on to compete in the national level? This year they are off to San Diego to compete. Here are some pics of those two:

The next event for the day was this "super moon" we were supposed to have. Let's just say after hours of waiting for the clouds to disappear so I could see this thing I was "super" disappointed. I did not see anything other than a full moon. Having said that.... it did NOT stop me from taking some pictures! So here a little super moon shots! I had fun playing with the settings on my camera giving me a few different shots! Awesome!

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