Friday, May 6, 2011

Art Fairs and the Great Outdoors

Thursday was a fun night at our house! After rushing home we quick ate a little supper and then we were off the the Pittsville School's Art Fair... Malorie had a blast showing us her art work and checking out the displays some of the other kids brought. Here's some pics of Mal's artwork:

 Malorie's is the one above her head!
 This is an insect she made

checking out the "lava lamp" display.
Thank you Grammie and Papa and Racyn for coming with us!

After we got home from the Art Fair we decided to play outside and enjoy some SPRING weather!
Here are just a few shots of the kids playing!

we had a blast! Have a great weekend everyone! Hope the weather stays nice!

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are very forntunate to have such an active mom!!! ;)
