Well, thanks to this new craze I found a pretty cool Valentine idea for the kids to give out at school.
I started my search for the pieces to this puzzle! I had to order 39 plastic shovels. I ended up buying 100 cello bags! (aye ca rumba)!! Not to mention the 6 bags of M & M's! note to self: not doing this again next year! So, here are the kids helping me (briefly) prepare these! Now I know I complained about doing these but they really are a very cool idea. Just time consuming...
Hope you enjoy!
First step:
putting all the shovels in the bags
Second Step:
cutting out all the I DIG YOU cards
Steps 3-5:
cutting string, poking holes in the i dig you paper and then lacing the string through the paper
Step 6:
add M & M's to the bag and shovel
Step 7:
Tie the bag shut!
Whew! We did it!