Monday, November 28, 2011

The Tooth Fairy

Woo-hoo! Talk about excitement! Saturday night Malorie discovered a loose tooth! She was very excited ( I think that is an understatement)! She even let Rob and I wiggle it a little.

This was Malorie right after she discovered the loose tooth!

Sunday morning Malorie woke up and told me she didn't think she would be able to eat anything today because of her tooth. I managed to convince her that wasn't the case and encouraged her to bite with her front teeth. She wasn't so sure about that. After church we grabbed some Taco Johns and headed home (no eating in the new car... right Rob). So we got home and Malorie started eating her taco and took 3 bites and said she couldn't eat anymore. So Rob told her she either ate the taco or he was going to pull that tooth out! She didn't miss a beat and yelled, "Yeah, pull it out"! and jumped into Rob's lap.

After several attempts (and several jumps out of the lap) they gave up!
So I told Malorie that when I had a loose tooth as a kid I would just grab a Kleenex and yank it out myself.
I seriously looked away for a second to watch Racyn and I look back at Malorie and she had yanked the tooth out already!


Her letter to the tooth fairy!! (love)

The Tooth Fairy wrote back!!

So proud of her $$

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sisterly Love


Most of us have one... or two... or more. Some of you don't. 
Tonight I m going to tell you a story of sibling love...

Racyn hasn't been feeling well lately and on Tuesday I noticed he had a rash all over his entire body! Today I took him into Urgent Care to see what was going on as he still had it. Rapid Strep Test came back negative but Dr. seemed pretty convinced some kind of viral infection was going on. 
Later today we were at my parents and Racyn came up to me and said his tummy hurt and that he wanted to go home. So, we packed up and came home. The kids were playing with their guitars and singing songs upstairs when all of a sudden I hear the kids coming down the stairs. (ok, i am seriously tearing up as I write this). I go to the stairs because I hear some funny noises and there are my two beautiful children coming down the stairs together and Malorie is holding a bucket for Racyn because he was throwing up in it. I mean, come on! How many people who do that for their brother or sister??? No one wants to deal with that  kind of mess. What a sweet big sis!
Sometimes it really is the little things in life that just make you stop and be thankful.
I hope you all had a safe weekend and have a great short Thanksgiving week!


p.s. sorry if it kind of grossed you out. Just a proud momma here!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

School Days

OK, so what working mom doesn't wish they were able to be home with their kids all the time... or at least some of the time? I know I do!!! Well, since I have been feeling poorly this week and my doc had me resting at  home for the day I took a short drive to school during lunch time to see my two kiddos. I don't think I have ever gotten more hugs from Racyn in one day! He was SO pumped that I came to sit with him while he ate lunch. 

Racyn, however, was so distracted by me that I had to keep reminding him to eat! He was so busy telling everyone that his mom was here. It was so stinkin' cute! Love that guy! Finally I convinced him I had to go see his sister and talk to her for awhile. It was so cool to see my son get up and clear his tray by himself! What a big boy! (enter huge mom sigh here).

Now, on to big sister! Wow, what a difference between a 4K child and a 1st grader! I am now caught up on all the gossip! Whew! So... Braeden has a crush on Malorie (but she already knows that because he told her). But Faith, Emma, and Malorie all have a crush on Cole (wait for it) a second grader... because (in the words of Faith) He is so H-O-T. yep. she spelled it out. How does a 6-7 year old even know what that means? But truly, all I could think of during my lunch time with Malorie was how happy I was with her friends. They are so perfect. Funny, pretty, smart, and VERY entertaining.

After lunch I followed the kids outside for recess. Imagine me convulsing in shivers... Racyn just followed me around like a lost puppy. Sad, but cute. I don't know if I could even describe in words the entertainment I was provided, so once again I will just let the pictures tell the story!

too fun!
Now for the icing on the cake.. the video of the future stars! Try not to mind the 4 year old monster tackling these future stars!

Hope you enjoyed my hour at school!